
High performance PVDF heat shrink tubing, (Kynar?)

2024/7/23 viewers
  • BrandDEEM
  • TypeDM-KY
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Can be used for jacketing and bundling of wires to form light-duty harnesses, where low profile,
abrasion resistance, and flexibility are required. It reliably protect wires, solder joints terminals,
connections from most industrial fluid solvents and fluid chemicals.

High flame resistance.
Excellent physical and electrical properties after
exposure to many chemicals and solvents.
Excellent transparency on clear version.

Operating temperature: -55°C to +150°C (175°C)
Standard color: Shiny black, crystal clear, other colors on request.

Technical Data
Property Test Method Typical Data
Operating temperature IEC 216 -55C to +150°C(175℃)
Tensile strength ASTM D 2671 ≥30 MPa
Elongation at break ASTM D 2671 ≥150%
Elongation at break after aging 180°C/168hrs ≥100%
Heat shock 250°C/4 hrs. No cracking
Cold bend -55°C/4 hrs. No cracking
Flammability VW-1 Pass
Yolume resistance IEC 93 ≥1014Ω.cm
Copper corrosion 180℃/168hrs. No corrosion
Copper stability 180C/168hrs. No sign of degradation


size As Supplied(mm) After Recovery(mm)
Tube Shape
Standard length
Inch. (D)
Inside Diameter
Min. (D)
Inside Diameter
Max. (d)
Wall Thickness
Nominal. (t)
3/64 1.2 0.6 0.26 0 200
1/16 1.6 0.8 0.26 0 200
3/32 2.4 1.2 0.26 0 200
1/8 3.2 1.6 0.26 0 100
3/16 4.8 2.4 0.26 0 100
1/4 6.4 3.2 0.26 0 100
3/8 9.5 4.8 0.30 - 50
1/2 12.7 6.4 0.30 - 50
3/4 19.1 9.5 0.41 - 50
1 25.4 12.7 0.41 - 50
11/2 38.1 19.1 0.51 - 50

* Tube shape "o": Round shape or OvalFlat shape
*Spools as standards. 1 m. or 1,22 m. sticks, special spool lengths or cut pieces available on request.

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