
Yellow&Green High Quality Polyolefin Tubing

2024/10/24 viewers
  • BrandDEEM
  • TypeDM-YG125
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Used to identify electrical grounding as well as protecting and insulating wires harnesses
of light cabling. Easy to mark for additional identification.

Resistant to common fluids and solvents. Flexible and
flame retardant. Free from harmful substances as PBB's,
PBBO's, PBBE's and toxic.

Operating temperature: -55°C to +125°C
Minimum shrink temperature: 70°C
Minimum fully recovery temperature: 120°C
Standard color: Yellow & Green
shrink ratio: 2:1 3:1

Technical Data

Property Test Method Typical Data
Operating temperature UL224 -55°C to+125℃
Tensile strength ASTM D 2671 >14 MPa
Elongation at break ASTM D 2671 400%
Longitudinal shrinkage UL224 0±5%
Eccentricity ASTM D 2671 <30%
Flammability VW-1 Pass
Dielectric strength ASTM D 150 20 KV/mm
Volume resistance ASTM D 876 1014Ω.cm
Copper corrossion UL224 Pass
Heat aging / Tensile strength / Ultimate elongation 158C/168h Unaged/>12 MPa/>350%
Heat shock (250°C/4hrs.) ASTM D 2671 No Cracking
Cold bend test(-55°C/4hrs.) ASTM D 2671 No Cracking
Water absorption ASTM D 570 0.15%


Size As Supplied
After Recovery (mm) Standard length
Inside Diamete
Min. (D)
Inside Diamete
  Max. (d)
Wall Thickness
3/64 1.2 0.65 0.30 200
1/16 1.6 0.85 0.33 200
3/32 2.4 1.2 0.36 200
1/8 3.2 1.6 0.44 200
3/16 4.8 2.4 0.55 200
1/4 6.4 3.2 0.55 100
3/8 9.5 4.8 0.55 100
1/2 12.7 6.4 0.65 100
5/8 16 8 0.69 100
3/4 19.1 9.5 0.89 100
1 25.4 12.7 0.90 50
11/4 32 16 0.90 50
11/2 38.1 19.1 1.00 50
2 50.8 25.4 1.00 25
3 76.2 38.1 1.20 25
4 100 50.8 1.60 25
5 120 63 2.00 25
6 150 75 2.00 25
7 180 90 2.10 25


As Supplied
After Recovery (mm) Standard length
Inside Diameter
Min. (D)
Inside Diameter
Max. (d
Wall Thicknes
Nominal. (t)
1/8 3.2 1.0 0.50 200
3/16 4.8 1.5 0.55 100
1/4 6.4 2.0 0.55 100
3/8 9.5 3.0 0.60 50
1/2 12.7 4.0 0.65 50
3/4 19.1 6.0 0.85 50
1 25.4 8.0 1.00 50
11/2 39 13 1.20 50

*Spools as standards. 1 m. or 1,22 m. sticks, special spool lengths or cut pieces available on request.
Special sizes (up to 7 inches) and other special features available on request

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