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Heat shrink semi rigid mini polyolefin caps

2024/7/29 viewers
  • BrandDEEM
  • TypeDM-M
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Specially designed to provide mechanical and environment of stub splice in electrical harness. Clear caps allow see-through inspection. Black caps are flame retardant.
Mechanically tough jacket provides strain relief and abrasion protection. Thick adhesive liner forms an effective barrier against fluids and moisture and performs well at an extended temperatures range.
Operating temperature: - 55°C to +135°C
Minimum shrink temperature: 100°C
Standard color: Black, Clear.
Shrink Ratio: 4:1

Technical Data

Property Test Method Typical Data
Tensile strength ASTM D 638 >14 MPa
Elongation at break ASTM D 638 >400%
Density ASTM D 792 1.05
Elongation at break after aging(150°C/168 hrs.) ASTM D 2671 300%(min)
Dielectric strength IEC243 >15KV/mm
Volume resistance IEC93 ≥1014Ω.cm

Size As Supplied (mm)  After Recovery (mm)
mm. (L)
Inside Diameter
Min. (D)
Diameter Max. (d)
Total Wall
Thickness Nor. (t)
30.1 5.72 1.27 1.30
45 5.72 1.27 1.30
30.1 7.44 1.65 1.50
45 7.44 1.65 1.50
30.1 10.85 2.41 2.0
45 10.85 2.41 2.0
*Bags are standards, special packing are available on request.

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